Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Can I really lose weight and get fit using exercise DVD's?

The infomercials are everywhere. The before and after photos are all over the Internet. So, you see these DVD's advertised and wonder if they're too good to be true. Could you ACTUALLY lose weight at home by turning on a DVD?

The answer is yes and no. Exercise DVD's can be amazingly helpful when you're trying to lose weight. Especially if you're busy and don't have access to a gym nearby, or childcare for your kids while you workout. But, just like any other exercise program, you actually have to do it in order to succeed. Don't think that you can buy a program and then do the workouts once in a blue moon and see results. Those people in the before and after pictures worked their butts off to get to their goal. They didn't slack. They made a commitment to follow whatever exercise plan it was and to eat clean while doing it. They didn't just call the 800 number, order the program and then pray. There is still a ton of hard work and dedication involved using at home workout DVD's.

With that being said, DVD workouts can be EXCELLENT. But, you have to find a program that fits your needs both with time and ability. Some programs are geared towards athletes who just need a refresher. Some are geared towards postpartum moms who may need modified exercises to avoid injury. Some are mostly cardio based programs, and some are mostly weight training. There are even yoga, pilates, and dance programs out there. But, you have to be realistic with both your abilities and expectations.

For instance, when I started my journey, I wanted to do Insanity. I'd seen the infomercials. I'd drooled over the before and after pictures and wished they were mine. But, I also knew that at the time, I was more than 100 pounds OVERWEIGHT. Realistically, I knew that if I tried to do Insanity I would have either done serious damage to my body, or I would have given up quickly because I lacked the physical ability to do the workout. So, I lost the first 47 pounds on my own (which you can read about here) and then jumped into the Insanity program.

It was perfect for me because I had 3 kids at the time who ranged in age from infant to 7 years old. My husband works weird, ever-changing shifts, so finding childcare to go to the gym (which is about a 40 minute drive anyway) wasn't an option. So, I would put my kids to bed and pop in my Insanity DVD's right in my living room and get to work. It worked great for me. I lost the rest of my weight that way, and gained a lot of muscle and endurance that I never had before. It also ignited a fire in me to do more and challenge myself even further. They're also good when you need a quick workout at home as a supplement to whatever you're currently doing. You can just pop in a workout disc and burn some quick calories without a lot of planning and preparation. I've used other DVD programs since then.  But, like any exercise program, they only work if you do them and you commit to completing the program. And, please check with your doctor before you start any exercise program.

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