Saturday, July 25, 2015

Review: Thrive Market

You've probably heard of Thrive Market by now. It seems to be the newest online craze for health conscious folks these days. Celebrities like Jillian Michaels are promoting it left and right. So, is it really that great?

The short answer is YES! Thrive lets you choose from an ever-expanding selection of all kinds of food and household supplies at prices that are lower than you're used to finding. You can search for items specifically by name using their search box. Or, you can shop by category like Paleo, Gluten Free, Vegan, Moms, Raw, or Staples.They even carry beauty products, health products, baby items, household goods, and shower essentials like body wash. Shipping is free on orders over $49 and very quick.

I use Thrive to buy pantry staples and snacks for my family that I can't find locally or that I've found cheaper than on other sites. I live in a small town and there aren't always organic or gluten free options available to me locally. But I can find them easily on Thrive. I've also bought household items like body wash, lotions, and cleaning supplies and found them to be much more affordable.

Thrive gives you a 30 day free trial membership when you sign up. After your free trial, membership is $59.95 per year. Think of it like Amazon Prime for health conscious people. You can cancel at any time if you choose not to continue after your free trial. But, if you're like me, you'll save more than the cost of the membership and continue on enjoying the service.

Try Thrive today by clicking on my link and you will also get 25% off your first order

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Affordable Healthy Family Recipe: Oodles and Oodles of Organic Zucchini Noodles

You've probably heard of zucchini noodles before. Maybe you've tried them, or maybe you've been on the fence and wondering if they could possibly taste good. Maybe you're a busy mom with picky eaters and think your kids will never eat veggies disguised as pasta. Trust me, I know how you feel. As a mom of 4 kids I know how hard it can be to find the balance between fun food and healthy food.  This recipe is a family favorite and even my pickiest eater loves it! It's also a cheap and easy way to feed a large group and ORGANIC meal. This recipe costs only about $12 to feed a family of 2 adults and 3 kids. Good luck trying to find take-out at that price!

5-6 large organic zucchini
4 links organic sausage
1 jar organic pasta sauce of your choice, or homemade sauce
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon organic coconut oil


Chop the ends off of your zucchini and use a spiralizer or cheese grater to make your "noodles."

While you're making your noodles, you can cook the sausage. I like to cut them in half lengthwise and grill them on a George Foreman grill. 

Once you've noodled all of your zucchini, you can prepare to cook everything. This part is quick! The most time consuming part of the recipe is making the noodles with the spiralizer. 

In large frying pan, melt your coconut oil and add the garlic to the pan. 
Add your zucchini noodles to the pan and toss occasionally with tongs. Cook for about 10 minutes total. 

 In a separate small saucepan, heat your sauce on medium heat, stirring frequently. 

Once your sauce is heated through, you can drain your noodles in a colander and take your sausages off of the grill. Then, just toss your noodles in sauce (or keep them separate if you have picky kids) and top with the sausage. ENJOY!