Thursday, March 19, 2015

How bad do you want it?

Weight loss can be so incredibly difficult. Staying on track can be difficult. Add in an auto-immune disease and a house full of kids and it can seem impossible. But, it's not impossible at all. It just depends on how bad you want to be healthy.

Ask yourself one simple question: How bad do you want it? "It" can be losing weight, gaining muscle, getting in shape, running that half marathon, lifting heavier, or doing some crazy exercise you never thought possible. Whatever "it" is for you, you need to decide how bad you want it. If it's something you can't stop thinking about, and strive for every day, then you need to commit to making that a focus in your life. I'm not saying you should live every single second of your day as if your life depends on hitting those goals. You still need to focus on your family and work and whatever else is important to you. But, there is a certain level of commitment that people who are successful in fitness have. And that needs to be something you strive for if you're serious about reaching your goals. 

Nobody is saying that you can never have a slice of birthday cake. Nobody is saying that you can't take a rest day. Rest days are important for both your physical and mental health. But, I am saying that if you really want to get fit and lose weight, you need to make that a priority in your life. 

So, what does that mean? It means that you stop making excuses. It means that you make tough choices. It means that instead of spending your day on the couch drinking lattes and binge watching Netflix, you get up and get moving. It means that you can ask your husband to watch the kids for an hour so you can go for a run. It means you can schedule your workouts like you schedule other appointments and make it a priority and an appointment you can't and won't cancel. You don't necessarily need to do crazy workout routines, but you do need to get moving. You need to be moving and active more than you're not. You need to make small changes here and there that put physical fitness and health first. Walk more, run more, do a few extra squats and jumping jacks here and there. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Pay attention to what you're putting in your mouth. Keep a food journal and be honest!

The biggest myth in weight loss is that there is some secret to doing it. The real secret is that you have to really want to succeed and you have to commit to doing it. Nobody is going to lose the weight for you. Nobody is going to make you stronger. Nobody is capable of changing you. You are the only one capable of changing yourself, and only if you truly want to. And, if you think it can't be done, think again! Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and know your ability to succeed. 

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