Thursday, January 8, 2015

Should I workout in the morning, afternoon, or evening?

When is the best time to workout to burn the most calories and fat? That's a common question that's often asked. After all, time is precious. We all lead busy lives. We all have responsibilities. We need to make the most of the time we do have to workout. So, which time of day is best?

Some experts say working out first thing in the morning is best because exercising on an empty stomach forces your body to burn fat. Some experts recommend working out in the evening because it can help you sleep better. Some experts recommend exercising mid-day to avoid that afternoon crash that tends to make people crave sugar and caffeine. So, who's right?

The answer is that it depends. Workout whenever it works for you. Do it when you can fit it into your schedule. If that time of day changes, so be it. If you can go for a run at 5 am on a Monday, but then the rest of the week, only evenings are available, that's fine. I'm a firm believer in exercising every day, even if it's a different time of day. It's unrealistic to assume that everyone can get in that 4am workout. It's unrealistic to assume that everyone can workout at 8pm. And, it's unrealistic to assume that if you don't fit into that one-time-fits-all workout that you'll fail.

You are likely to fail if you don't plan ahead. You are likely to fail if you don't schedule a workout. You are likely to fail if you don't commit to finding time to exercise every day. But, don't assume that if you can't workout at the same time as the "experts" that you'll automatically fail.

I'm not a morning person. I'm just not. In the summer, however, I like to go running at 4am or 5am before it gets blazing hot outside. I like to get it done and over with, and go about my day. But, in the winter, I'm an evening exerciser. It's too cold in the mornings and the sunrise is later. That's not to say that I don't get out and exercise in the mornings during winter, because I do. But, my schedule changes daily. Don't beat yourself up about not being able to workout at the same time every day. Just commit to exercise every day, and don't worry about the time of day.

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