Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Don't let the number on the scale define you

You're working towards a weight loss goal. You're eating clean. You're exercising. And, you're obsessing over the number on the scale. Why? Does that number define you? Does it determine your happiness or your self worth? Of course you want to be fit and healthy. Of course you want to live longer and be stronger. Of course you want to set a good example for your children when it comes to health and fitness. But, you don't need to let a silly number on a scale define you. 

Focus less on the scale and more on your overall fitness level, health, and happiness. I'm not saying you should be oblivious to your weight. You should know what you weigh. But, you shouldn't obsess about it. It's easy to obsess over that number on the scale, especially when you're working so hard to change it in the right direction. But, it can easily drive you nuts. Not seeing a change, or a "good enough" change on the scale can actually stall your progress. It can mess with your head and make you think you're not getting anywhere. You can become discouraged and give up simply because a scale says you weigh the same as you did yesterday. 

Honestly, why do people weigh themselves every day? Are they expecting to lose 20 pounds overnight? I recommend weighing yourself just once a week, on the same day and at the same time. It's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. And, yes, weigh yourself naked. After all, it's winter time and warm pajamas are bulky and weigh a lot! Keep a chart of your weight week to week. Note anything worth mentioning next to the weight. Your notes could include things like "Bloating due to PMS," or "Ate a few slices of pizza last night." Seeing your weight on a weekly basis like that, along with notes that can explain any fluctuations is much better for you to see than to obsess over the number each day. 

It's also great to celebrate non-scale victories. So many times, we tie our progress to the scale, but forget to measure our other accomplishments as well. Celebrate those accomplishments just as much, if not more. Some of the best non-scale victories are when you fit into your skinny jeans, you can run a mile without stopping, you are able to do 20 push ups in a row on your toes, you can lift heavier weights, you can workout longer without stopping for a break, etc. To me, these accomplishments mean more than the number on the scale. These accomplishments truly show your hard work and your fitness. These accomplishments show how much you've grown. 

So, don't forget to check your weight every now and then. But, don't let the number on the scale define you. 

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