Sunday, January 11, 2015


We all have excuses. We all can talk ourselves out of doing what needs to be done. We all have doubts and fears and things that keep us from doing whatever it is that scares us. But, excuses don't turn goals into accomplishments! It's just that simple.

All of those goals you've set for yourself won't get accomplished if you make excuses. Today was a good example of that in my life. I had planned to go for a run today. But, when I woke up, it was raining. So, I started talking myself out of going. I was tired. I was sore from lifting weights the past few days. It was cold. It was raining. I really should do some laundry. I forgot to wash my water bottle. My phone wasn't 100% charged, etc. In my head I had a million excuses why I shouldn't go. But, I also had reasons why I should. So, here's what I told myself: I'm training to run another half marathon. I know I have a busy schedule these next few days, so aside from the treadmill, this may be my last chance to run. Weather is unpredictable, and it could very well rain during my next race. It's not freezing cold, it's just a little chilly. And, the rain might feel refreshing. So, suck it up buttercup and get outside!

And, I did!! I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I'm not a fast runner by any means. But who cares? I'm not competing with anyone but myself. I'm not trying to do better than anyone but my old self. My old self couldn't run a block, but I'm about to run my second half marathon,so I'm doing just fine! I put on some layers, a hat, put my phone in a plastic bag to protect it from the rain, grabbed my wireless headphones, my pepper spray, laced up my favorite Brooks running shoes and hit the pavement.

One good thing about the rain is that most people bring their dogs inside, so I only got chased by one big dog today. The rain was actually quite refreshing. I only slipped a few times, accidentally ran through a few deep puddles, and got the wind knocked out of me by some sudden gusts of wind 2 or 3 times. But, I got out. I got my run in, and I feel better for doing it.
So, next time you find yourself making excuses, think again. Excuses don't burn calories. Excuses don't give you results. Excuses don't turn GOALS into ACCOMPLISHMENTS. And Excuses are for OTHER PEOPLE! You are better than excuses. Excuses are for quitters. You're not a quitter! 

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