Thursday, February 5, 2015

Is it worth it?

In our daily lives we are often so busy and so stressed. Every single thing that demands our time and attention has to get weighed to determine its importance. The same goes for eating. If you are working towards a health or fitness goal, you start to question every bite of food that goes into your mouth. You may find yourself asking "Is it worth it?" multiple times a day. So many things make this question come to mind. Is that slice of cake worth it? Is going on that run worth it? Is eating healthy worth it? Is the extra work worth it?Sometimes you have to weigh your options. 

Is it worth it to eat organic? For our family, the answer is YES, most of the time. We don't buy 100% organic foods simply because it's not always financially possible. We have a large family and a limited budget. So, we work with what we have and strive to buy as many of our groceries as possible organic. 

Is it worth it to exercise daily? ABSOLUTELY YES! Whether you're trying to lose weight, maintaining your weight loss, or just striving to improve your health, exercising daily (or at least 5-6 days per week is crucial). Each day there are 24 hours in the day, even though sometimes they feel much shorter or longer. Even if you work 12 hours a day and sleep 8 hours (most people sleep less), you still have the ability to find one hour during the day to exercise. You don't have to kill yourself with some crazy HIIT workout, although HIIT workouts are awesome! Just move your body. Dance, walk, run, lift some weights, do some push ups and squats, walk the dog, run around the house chasing your kids, climb the stairs in your house over and over again, etc. Just do something active for an hour a day, every day. 

Is that piece of cake worth it? If you've been eating clean and exercising, sometimes eating something unhealthy seems like you've failed completely. You tell yourself "Oh well, I had a bite of cake. I might as well give up on ever losing this weight." Absolutely WRONG! It's unrealistic to expect to eat clean 100% of the time. Everyone is human. Everyone has temptations, everyone will have a situation where you can't prepare a healthier option ahead of time, everyone will want a break occasionally. There is nothing wrong with eating that slice of cake OCCASIONALLY. There is something wrong with eating the whole cake, or eating a slice of cake after every meal. Know your boundaries. A good rule is the 90/10 rule. Eat clean 90% of the time and let yourself eat that piece of cake or that tiny bag of chips the other 10% of the time. That way, you don't feel deprived and you're more likely to stick to the healthier options. Plus, the longer you eat clean, the less likely it is that the junk food will be appealing to you anyway. 

Is the extra work worth it? Let's face it, losing weight is hard work. You're not going to be able to snap your fingers and magically find yourself 50+ pounds thinner in the morning. It is a lot of EXTRA work. We're all busy. If you're a mom like me, you know busy is an understatement. So, it can be rather intimidating to realize that your weight loss journey will require EXTRA work. Who has time for extra work? How will you be able to still take care of your house, your family, your job, etc? Take a deep breath and let me reassure you that you will be able to handle it and that IT IS WORTH IT! You might need some help around the house from your spouse, you might need to assign your kids a few extra chores, and you might need to ease up on some of your OCD (if you're like me) and let some things slide every now and again. But you will be able to do it. Feeling better, looking better, and being healthier is ALWAYS worth it. 

Above all, please remember YOU ARE WORTH IT! No matter what sacrifices you have to make, and no matter how much hard work and dedication it will take, you are worth it all and much much more. It is so easy to doubt yourself and your worth through this whole process. It is so easy to let the negative people get into your head. It is so easy to give up. But, those things aren't the right way to go. In case you don't have anyone else to tell you this, listen to me now. You are worth it all, and I believe you can succeed. 

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