Tuesday, February 24, 2015

5 Reasons why shape wear is the enemy of a weight loss program

We've all seen shape wear in the stores, in magazines, and on television. We've all heard the claims about how these magical undergarments can "instantly slim you" and "take inches off of your waist without exercise." Are they all they're cracked up to be? Could they actually be harming your weight loss plan? Here are some reasons why shape wear can be your worst enemy when you're trying to lose weight.

1. Shape wear makes you feel WORSE about your body. You put on this magical undergarment and you look slightly slimmer and smoother. But, what happens when you take it off? You suddenly find yourself even more discouraged by your body than you were before. Now the body that you thought needed just a little toning feels like the body of an obese cow. You suddenly notice every single inch of fat. You think your belly looks 10 times bigger than it did yesterday. Suddenly your thighs are gigantic, and your butt is huge. You instantly feel depressed. 

2. Any compliments you receive aren't about you, they're about the fake you. You are wearing your shape wear and you go out to meet friends. Suddenly you get compliments like "Oh my gosh, you've lost weight," or "You look amazing!" You might feel great about those compliments for a hot second. But then you realize the truth. You haven't lost weight. You haven't worked hard. You don't deserve those compliments. If the same people saw you naked, they wouldn't compliment you at all. Any compliments you receive when wearing shape wear aren't about the real you. They're about the fake you.

3. It's harder to get into some shape wear than it is to just workout! Getting into some shape wear takes skill. This is especially true if you're overweight. They are meant to be tight. They are meant to be form fitting. If you're carrying around extra weight, it can feel like you're trying to stuff a sausage into its casing. Do you want to feel like a stuffed sausage? I know I don't. It's much easier to get to work and exercise so you can fit in your clothes properly without feeling like you're being stuffed into them. 

4. Shape Wear can't hide the work you didn't do. It just can't! Even if the shape wear you buy takes an inch or two off of your waist, it just redistributes that fat somewhere else. Trust me, I've seen people stuffed into these things. They might look slightly slimmer in one area, but then they turn around and it's like their back exploded with fat. Think about it, you didn't actually lose the weight. So, the fat that's being "smoothed" out has to go somewhere, and it's not going to be pretty. 

5. You're not fooling anyone, not even yourself. If you think that wearing shape wear is going to fool someone into thinking you've lost weight, you're delusional. It's obvious when someone is wearing shaping undergarments. Nobody is going to think you've hit the gym 6 days a week. Nobody is going to envy you for your hard work in losing the weight. Nobody is going to ask you for your weight loss secrets. We all know your secret, it's sticking out of your clothes. If you think that wearing shape wear will give you that extra push to lose weight, think again. If anything, wearing shape wear will depress you. It will make you feel worse about your body when you take it off. And while you're wearing it, it will give you a false sense of accomplishment. That will make you end up giving up on your weight loss program and settling for being fat and "smooth" in clothes instead of being thin and fit in real life. If you're truly honest with yourself, putting on shape wear is the same as giving up on yourself.

You are worth more than shape wear. You are worth more than what the undergarment manufacturers are trying to sell you. You are worth the effort of exercise. You can do it! Don't give up on yourself and put on a pair of shaping underwear. Instead, put on your workout clothes and hit the gym!

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