Monday, June 29, 2015

Treat your FOOD like MEDICINE

Think about the way we typically treat our bodies. If you get sick, you go to the doctor. If the doctor prescribes you medication, you most likely want to know what's in that medication. What are the side effects? Are there warning labels? Are there possible reactions with other medicines I'm already taking? We want to be informed about this chemical medicine that we are putting into our bodies. But, do you treat your food the same way?

Do you go grocery shopping and carefully consider the foods you buy? Do you shop based on the pureness of the food? Do you think about the potential consequences or side effects of the foods you buy and eat? Do you think about the chemicals in your food like you think about the chemicals in your medications? If not, then you need to think about the way you shop. And, you need to think about the way you treat your body.

There is a popular phrase we've all heard that says "You are what you eat." So, do you want to be healthy or do you want to be full of chemicals and junk processed foods? You can exercise like an athlete, but if you eat like a pig, you'll never see results. If you don't fuel your body with healthy foods, the exercise you're doing won't make up for the damage you're doing in the kitchen.

The foods you eat should be deliberate. Your choice of food should be a conscious decision. You should know what's in the food you are eating, just like you want to know what's in that medication you're taking. It's the same idea. Your food can either heal your body or make you sick. It's ultimately your choice.

Take it from me, the less processed junk you eat, the better you feel. If your foods are fresh, natural, and not processed, you're doing your body a favor. You are feeding and fueling your body the way nature intended. If you cut out the processed chemical food-like substances from your life, you will see significant improvements in your health. You'll get sick less, you'll have better digestion, you'll be less bloated, and you'll have better cholesterol and lower blood sugar. Weight loss is a side effect from eating right. It's just an added bonus. Your health and well-being are the main goals here.

Now, I'm not saying you can never eat a french fry or a bag of chips again. What I am saying is that the majority of the foods you eat need to be healthy, natural, real, whole foods. Aim for organic Non-GMO foods whenever you can. If you buy meats like sausage or salami, look for uncured nitrate and nitrite free varieties. Most of your food shouldn't have an ingredients label. But, the foods that have ingredients need to have as few as possible and they need to be real ingredients that you can pronounce.

I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for our family. I haven't had a cold or flu in well over a year. There was a time during cold/flu season this year where just about everyone I knew and spent time with got sick, sometimes for a month at a time. But, even though I spent a lot of time with these people, I never got sick. My kids have had a cold less than 5 times in the past year, whereas a lot of their peers are sick all the time. I believe that a healthy diet of real foods plays a huge role in our health. After all, most of our immune system lives in our gut, so food is where your main focus on health should be. If we could all eat healthier, imagine how many trips to the doctor we could avoid.

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